More pictures from Japan May 2016
First night on the road in Utsunomiya. Comfort food after a rainy day Horrible weather outside of Nikko, Tochigi prefecture Haven from the rain and cold. A cafeteria inside that serves up a decent curry! Just north of Niigata West Coast Honshu Obaachan pretending to race a bike Monkey after leaving Yonezawa The road down to Lake Hibara Nice bike stands posted around the small city of Kitakata Departing to Mito. 241 km to go! Getting into Ibaraki prefecture East Coast Honshu....200 km in to my ride to Mito. The pain was starting to set in. Dinner after Kitakata to Mito haul....241 km is my PR for now Two bike are better than one On the sands outside of Kujukuri