Day 3, 4, 5 - Utsunomiya to Kawajiyumoto, Aizuwakamatsu to Nishiaizu, Niigata to Atsumionsen

Day 3
Quite rough the past few days. Rain had been ongoing after Utsunomiya. I biked up to the World Heritage site at Nikko (see post before) and from there tackled route 169. I regret taking that way. It was 8% to 10% grade climbs for almost 15 km. Switchbacks everywhere, and at that elevation visibility became poor and rain quite heavy. After suffering up the climb I began the descent, with wet roads and caked brakes I had to be careful. The descent ended at Osawa Farm and Rest Stop. Filled up with some curry and I changed plans.

My knees suffered quite a bit on the 169 climb so I decided to cross over more north of where I intended. The Bandai highway (route 49) runs from Aizuwakamatsu all the way to Niigata. Ended my ride at Kawajiyumoto station. The rain let up but would pick up again later. 2.5 hour train ride later I got to AizuWakamatsu.

Day 4
Started strong the next day, covered about 35 km when the rain kicked back in again. 80 km till Niigata. The rain was pretty powerful, and route 49 is like a roller coaster with ups and downs, and then add big trucks brushing by 1 foot away from you. I was not down to ride anymore, so back on the train to Niigata, where I could drown my sorrows in ticket ramen and jelly beans.

Day 5
Today has been good. The weather started out cloudy. I had to make up for the previous days mileage. Headed up along the coast of the Sea of Japan. Beautiful ride once you get on route 345. Stopped at Atsumionsen, about 115 km out from Niigata. Grab some ramen from a little store run by old ladies and then jump on the express train back to Niigata.


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